Our latest ship familiarisation course took place in Liverpool this month with participants visiting from both the London and Hamburg Marine Insurance market. The course gave attendees a useful and interesting insight into operations during a tour of the port of Liverpool, as well as a nearby freight terminal where the group had the opportunity to visit on board a working Ro-Ro vessel.
Participants were also given the chance to get up close and personal with ships in dry-dock at the premises of a world-renowned ship-building yard in Birkenhead.
The course then concluded with a visit to a state-of-the-art ship-handling simulator, where attendees had the unique opportunity to take control of a vessel crossing the Dover Straits, one of the world's busiest waterways.
Feedback from the course was very positive, with attendees finding it both interesting and informative, and our continued thanks go to those who assisted in facilitating our visits.
If you are interested in attending the next Taylor Marine ship familiarisation course in September 2018, please contact Erika Eaton at erika.eaton@taylormarine.net or Linda Taylor at linda.taylor@taylormarine.net to reserve your place (all places are strictly limited and therefore subject to availability).